Full-Time Experienced Professional Locksmiths for over 30 years...............                                Specializing in 24 Hr Emergency Lock & Key Services in Oakland & Macomb Counties

For Immediate Service
by Experienced Professionals Call Us

We Offer Priority Response
To open locked vehicles, homes and business
We Open or Re-Secure your premises in an Emergency

Residential Hardware



There's an old Yiddish proverb that says: "Locks are for honest people." And, it's amazing how many people fall prey to the idea that if the bad guys want in badly enough, there's nothing that you can do about it. Well, like the old English proverb said: "It's foolish to bolt your door with a boiled carrot!"

The truth is, just like people, some locks have more strength than others. Some are prettier than others. Some have both beauty and brawn. And, with today's strides in electronic security technology, some locks are actually smarter then others!

So, whether you're selecting a lock for a freight door, kitchen door, a window or trying to establish a whole new security program for your home or business, there are locks available that can be customized to your needs. They may not be the cheapest initially but, they will surely be the most cost effective over their useful life.

Primarily, the locks that you select should be chosen on the basis of their ability to provide security to a degree that exceeds your requirements by a comfortable margin. That is, buying more lock then you actually need, increases your level of security proportionately

That's where we come in. No matter what type business you own or operate, we can help you select the proper hardware for your business' security needs. In other words, hardware security solutions that work, designed with your needs in mind.

We can even help your business comply with the Federal mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) that pertain to doors, locks, locking devices, door closers, door hardware and door openers.
All you need do is give us a call. We'll show you why locks are not just for honest people.



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